lunedì 30 aprile 2018


All matter, whether living or inert, resonates at a particular electromagnetic frequency, including the human body. Bioresonance therapy is also called electrodermal testing, bio-physical information therapy, BIT, bio-energetic therapy, energy medicine and vibrational medicine. BioResonance Therapy Memorial Sloan Kettering Bioresonance therapies are based on unproven theories.

Bioresonance: How it Works, Uses, Effectiveness, Bioresonance should not be used as a first-line or only treatment for any condition. ResearchGate Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy which involves placing electrodes on your skin for diagnosis and treatment. BICOM bioresonance therapy is a special diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that is taking a. Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt means seeking and then passing on all the frequencies necessary for the stimulation and final regulation of the organism and giving the body the chance to selfregulation.

BICOM UK are distributors of a wide range of bioresonance products, please call us to see what products are available for your country. Whatever the name, the method is based on the notion that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased organs and cancer cells are different from those emitted by healthy cells.


We measure your energy level on arrival and also conduct a test to see what is stressing your body at that time. Bioresonance Technologies, Official Rayonex All tissues like skin, liver, bones and other organs have their own oscillation and resonate on their own special frequencies. Energy medicine - Bioresonance is a very gentle therapy but you may feel tired after the treatment. They are not recommended for preventing or treating cancer. Bioresonance Healing Hands Natural Health Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) is a painless therapy that deals with the hidden causes of disease and poor health by assessing and then normalising energetic imbalances.

The electrodes are connected to a Bicom machine which checks the energy. Bioresonance Therapy - Information Devices - How bioresonance can really help you and your patients Bioresonance, testing, therapy and energy medicine. What is Bioresonance Therapy: Best Natural Healing Is Bioresonance Therapy really one of the Best Natural Healing Therapies?

Bioresonance therapies (and other therapies that use electronic devices) claim to both diagnose diseased internal organs and normalize the. We give you all the to the question What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Energy medicine -

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Bioresonance: How it Works, Uses, Effectiveness

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