giovedì 5 luglio 2018

Mongodb client gui

MongoDB Download Center MongoDB MongoDB Atlas The Easiest Way to Run MongoDB. With best-in-class automation and proven practices that guarantee high availability, elastic scalability, and optimal performance, MongoDB Atlas is the easiest way to try out the database for free on AWS, Azure, or Cloud. And all of them lack the ability to edit stored documents (i.e. I need a GUI client that: Works on Linux (but not web).

Deploy a MongoDB database in the cloud with just a few clicks. MongoDB Compass MongoDB MongoDB Compass analyzes your documents and displays rich structures within your collections through an intuitive GUI.

Mongodb client gui

Robo 3T - formerly Robomongo native The Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) tool has been acquired by 3T Software Labs, the creators of the MongoDB client Studio 3T (formerly MongoChef). Its still early days for RoboMongo with the latest version being. Robomongo download - Robo 3T - formerly Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is the free, lightweight, open-source MongoDB GUI with an embedded mongo shell, real auto-completion, and support for MongoDB . Best MongoDB GUI Tools in 20- Guru2) Robo 3T Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is the popular free GUI for MongoDB enthusiasts.

3T will continue development of Robo 3T in parallel with its own MongoDB GUI and the good news is that it will be. Find out with A shell-centric MongoDB GUI that supports the Windows, iOS, and Linux platforms.

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MongoDB Compass MongoDB

It allows you to quickly visualize and explore your schema to understand the frequency, types and ranges of fields in your data set. MongoDB Tools - Official Site A directory of GUIs, admin interfaces, and other tools for getting the most out of MongoDB, a popular open source document-oriented database. NoSQL Manager - MongoDB GUI tool with NoSQL Manager - certified MongoDB UI tool with Shell.

It is also one of the few GUIs that supports SSL connections to your MongoDB server. MongoDB GUI client (cross-platform or Linux) - The list of MongoDB GUI client apps on the official site is outdated: some clients are not supporte some are heavily bound to.NET and not runnable on Linux.

Robo 3T - formerly Robomongo native

There is also support for connecting through an SSH tunnel. This lightweight, open-source tool has cross-platform support and also embeds the mongo shell within its interface to provide both shell and GUI-based interaction. Our MongoDB tool unites user friendly interface and Shell power. Intuitive interface and high performance of the desktop application save time for beginners and professional database developers and administrators.

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